"Truth-telling broadcasters, can become a hero"-Mr. Mabasa

· News Writing


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"Truth-telling broadcasters can become a hero."

This was the statement made by Mr. Roy Mabasa, writer at Manila Bulletin, during the Media Conference 2022 held at the Aklan Trade Hall, Kalibo, Aklan, Saturday, November 5.

Mabasa encouraged the student journalists to be the messenger of truth as future media practitioners.

"In the middle of all the fake news right now, I think all of us should become Percy Lapid", Mabasa said further.


Heroic profession

Mr. Johnny Dayang, Chairman of the Publishers Association of the Philippines Inc., said that journalists make history.

"It is not just a matter of reporting or relaying news, but interpreting the context, purpose, and consequences. A journalist should think of a nobler role in nation-building", he said.

Dayang reminded the guests that media practitioners are not just ordinary professionals, they have more important tasks than that.


'Upgraded role'

Meanwhile, Mr. Odon Bandiola, President of Aklan Press Club Inc., stressed the culture of violence and impunity in the world of media.

"Percy Lapid is one of the media practitioner who offered his life in defense of freedom and good governance", Bandiola said.

"The role of media has been upgraded. Let us not forget that the media profession is an indispensable sector in our community, in our country, and our government", he added.

'Courage as weapon'

"If you don't have courage, you're not part of the media industry", said Hon. Allan Palma, Sr., one of the panelists and the Sangguniang Bayan Member of Malay.

He emphasized that he wanted everyone to be informed, to be heard, and to be the messenger of truth every time we hold the microphone.

"There are just two important things you need; the mic and the courage."


Journalists' battle

Ms. Chita Heap, a journalist for Aklan Reporter, said that it is not easy to be a journalist.

"To be a journalist takes courage. Many had already given their lives in their attempt to expose corruption in justice and wrongdoings", said Ms. Heap.

She also said that journalists are a special breed as some put themselves in a battle carrying a camera, not a gun.

Safety is priority

Furthermore, PLTCOL Bernard Ufano was also present at the conference to represent the Aklan Philippine National Police (PNP).

"We will let the people know the truth, and the country will be safe", Ufano said.

Ufano mentioned that problems like criminality is a part of the community.

"We will do what is right. We are aiming for the province to make progress", he added.

The said conference was conducted by The Blooms Publication of Aklan State University, School of Arts and Sciences, and The Forum Publication of Northwestern Visayan Colleges.

It was attended by the invited local media, students from ASU, NVC, and other local colleges in Aklan.

The conference aims to highlight the importance of press freedom and awakening the government of its duty to protect the media and to be the light of truth.